MULTI-POCKET: Designed with 6 pockets to store a variety of outdoor gear. Includes 2 front pockets, 2 thigh zipper pockets, 1 back zipper pocket, and 1 straight pocket for carrying small items.
WATER REPELLENT & UPF 50+: Fabric treated to repel water and stains, with UPF 50+ sun protection to block harmful rays.
STRETCH WAISTBAND & BELT: Flexible stretch waistbands on both sides for comfort, adjustable nylon belt for waist size.
D-RING with SMALL POCKET: D-Ring for easy attachment of hiking gear, stored securely in a small pocket.
VERSATILE & MULTI SHORTS: G GRADUAL men's cargo shorts suitable for various outdoor and indoor activities like hiking, fishing, camping, travel, climbing, and casual daily wear.